Friday, April 22, 2011


I haven't posted for awhile, but that doesn't mean there hasn't been a lot going on. Life has been absolutely crazy. Lucy is funny as ever. She and Nate do knock-knock jokes all the time now. They have a series of cow jokes. My favorite is "Tiny Cow", when you ask "Tiny Cow Who?" she moos in this really high pitch. We think it's hilarious!

Norah babbles a lot, she says mom, dada, boo (for peek a boo) and then just random mumbles. She smiles and laughs constantly. One of my favorite parts of the day is in the morning when Lucy and Norah listen to the Tangled soundtrack in the car and Lucy sings and they hold hands in the back seat. It is precious.

Today is Nate's birthday and Norah gave him the best birthday gift ever. She started to walk a little bit. She took about 3 or 4 steps without assistance. That is the farthest she's gone so far. Woo Hoo Norah!

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Little Bit of Everything

Last night Nate and I and the girls went to the school. Lucy and I helped Nate de-post-it his office. On a break from ripping post-its from the wall, Lucy found a train whistle and proceeded to start her own one-man marching band. Pretty funny! Norah spent time crawling around the band room (real clean I know). I had to spend the weekend away in OKC for continuing education. It was great to see good friends from optometry school, but I really missed Nate and the girls. It was great to just spend time with them yesterday.

Tonight Norah almost stood up on her own in the middle of the floor. She was in the laundry room and started to push up to a standing position, she was about half way up before she realized what she was doing and sat back down. We're getting closer to walking, she'll get there eventually:) Norah's babbling a lot, and last night she threw a shirt over her head, pulled it off, and said "a-boo". Pretty sure she meant peek-a-boo.

Lucy cracked me up tonight with another one of her oneliners, she was watching the ipad with me and it ran out of battery. Nate grabbed us the lap top so we could finish watching her show, she looked back at me and said "Mommy, I think this is a great idea" (starting the show on the laptop, that is). She's full of it. She also loves calling people by someone else's name. Usually she's calling Nate or I Grandma Deb or Grandma Lois. She thinks it's hilarious!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Good Grief

Lucy's on a bit of a Charlie Brown kick lately. I can't say that I blame her. She does get to hear her name quite a bit throughout the show, and she is a bit head strong just like Lucy from the Peanuts Gang. Anyway, after watching the Christmas episode (yes, we're moving in holiday order for anyone who's following), she continually could be heard uttering "Good Grief" in perfect Charlie Brown speak. Too funny! Norah continues to babble, but no new words and she still prefers to crawl, no walking yet!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday, March 27th, 2011

My first post for my new blog. For anyone who followed my first blog, you know that the last time I posted was about 1.5 years ago, sooo..... Hopefully my track record improves with this blog. My goal with my new blog is pretty lofty. I would like to post daily, at the very least a few times a week. This is going to be my journal to keep up on my children. With Nate and I both working fairly long hours, I find it hard to get all those little things they say and do written in their baby books and I feel like these years so quickly pass and even though you don't think you'll forget the new things they do, well, at least in my experience you do. So I'm hoping I can use this as a reference. Today, was a pretty lazy day at home, at least for the girls. While I cleaned and Nate worked on homework, the girls played really well together. Lucy is really good these days at making Norah laugh. They played with this wooden doll house that Lucy has, and for once, Norah wasn't trying to stick all the small parts in her mouth. Lucy watched Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (don't ask me why) so later in the night she was calling Norah "a sly dog" it was pretty funny. Norah really played in Lucy's kitchen for the first time and was making "coffee" and playing with the spoons and bowls. She also found Lucy's Dora Dancing Doll and LOVED IT! I will try to post a video because her dancing was hilarious. Just last week, Lucy started drawing stick people, that actually resemble people, pretty good for a 3 year old I think. I can't think of anything else new that's happened real recently in the Morrissey household so I think this will conclude my first post.